Lots of businesses and NGOs use cartoon clip-art to promote their services but there are many problems with such an approach, not least the fact that the image chosen is not, and can never be, unique and personal to that organisation. Clip-art is available to all, so what you decide to use to promote your worthy product or service can also be used by your competitor or by somebody else out there to which you wouldn't ever wish to be associated with.
Commissioning original, bespoke cartoon artwork for your business needs needn't be expensive nor difficult to organise, and by using a cartoonist to create something just for you allows you to build your brand and identity with a friendly and fitting character.
The charity Drugs Action were using some very pixelated clip-art that was difficult to make out and detrimental to the desired effect, so they commissioned me to create a new friendly character, using their corporate colours, to better suit their needs and aims.
If you're using clip-art then perhaps it's time to think again. Get in touch and let me help you give your cartoons some character.