It's done! Second coat of varnish applied. My Trojan Zebra took 35 days, and took (we estimate, including hours when I had some help) 300 hours. Huge thanks to Oxygen Freejumping for having the courage to sponsor my design; to the Marwell team for being so supportive and patient; to the brilliant Marlands security team for helping with access to the creative space; to the other artists that made it such a pleasurable experience, particularly Will Rosie (if you need to borrow it, he's got it) and Tory Allen for the many lifts (before she finished and cleared off); to the hundreds of members of the public that called in to find out more, share their experiences of the Go Rhinos! trail and their excitement for Zany Zebras; to the various people who have spared a few hours to help, including my family but in particular the fine brush control of Alice, plus Anne Chadwick, Ruth Leu and Emily Boyce-Pendleton; and finally a massive thank you to Josephine who I've barely seen but hasn't failed to support me all the way, and hold the fort with Ceratopia's clients when I was under the zebra.
The next step is the trail itself, starting in mid-July in Southampton. There'll be 47 life-sized zebras so it's going to be an enormous event. The plan is for me to create an activity sheet that will be downloadable from the Zany Zebras website so children (and adults) can go hunting around Trojan for specific characters and scenes. Then, in October, all the zebras will be auctioned for charity, so if you're after a humungous three-dimensional, zebra-shaped, cartoon-fest, then this is the zebra you're looking for!
You can see a video of the finished zebra at: